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Showing posts from June, 2017

National Security

Contractor Charged With Leaking Classified Data On Russian Election Hacking We, in the U.S., need an 'Official Secrets Act' like the British have; but our law needs to have real teeth. This isn't some noble 'Freedom of Speech' activist - this person has just committed Treason. She was entrusted with our national secrets and has betrayed that trust. She should be tried and, if convicted, executed in public - full stop.

Descent into Madness

We are citizens of one world, one planet, and one species.   If we cannot, or will not, grasp that key fact – and act accordingly – then we will all be either doomed to extinction or our lives will become much more primitive and terrible; to a point where a common life’s experience will be aptly described as painful, brutal, and short.   We can no longer be members of the discordant tribes that we call nations, or religions, and hope to survive what our future holds. This is the first article in a regular blog addressing the common world events and problems that face all of us; but focusing on the citizens of the United States, each member nation of the GCC, and the people of the surrounding region of what is commonly called the Middle East.   I hope these blogs will not only identify and clarify the common problems that we face but also provide positive suggestions addressing the options that we might have to help constructively face and, perhaps, resolve some of these proble