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Showing posts from August, 2017

The American Taliban

It is an inverse ratio in all of the Religions of the Book:   The more that you hate, the more that you condemn, the more that you despise others – the further away you are from Yahweh, God, Allah.   While we could have this discussion based upon any of the 3 primary Religions of the Book; for this discussion, we will focus on Christianity.   James 2:18 – But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."   Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.   Matthew 7:12 – So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.   (New International Version)   It is by this authority that I condemn these 'Christians' who hate, who condemn, and who despise others as a political act – and it is by this authority that I publicly question their faith; and openly declare them to be false Christians. Lately, I have been thinking of the Republican Candidate for President in 1964, the l


I spent 30 years defending our Republic; and I now find myself ashamed to be a citizen of our nation. I have been waiting, since my childhood, for my nation to evolve into a country that lives the values that we preach to the rest of the world – a nation that acts, every day, in accordance with what we say we believe and stand for as a people.   It has been 63 years; and I am done waiting for our nation to evolve past the point where people can be openly murdered in the street for opposing the toxic racist ideology that still poisons our nation – as the most recent symptom of our Original Sin of slavery. If, in 2016, the citizens of our country were capable of voting for a racist ‘birther’ man like Mr. Trump as our President; then I don't know how I can live in the same place that they do.   Charlottesville, and this Racist President's response after having been openly supported by, and having personally supported, the White Racists in the United States, is just t