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The American Taliban

It is an inverse ratio in all of the Religions of the Book:  The more that you hate, the more that you condemn, the more that you despise others – the further away you are from Yahweh, God, Allah.  While we could have this discussion based upon any of the 3 primary Religions of the Book; for this discussion, we will focus on Christianity.  James 2:18 – But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.  Matthew 7:12 – So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.  (New International Version)  It is by this authority that I condemn these 'Christians' who hate, who condemn, and who despise others as a political act – and it is by this authority that I publicly question their faith; and openly declare them to be false Christians.

Lately, I have been thinking of the Republican Candidate for President in 1964, the late Senator Barry Goldwater, because Mr. Trump’s candidacy for the President last year, and his Presidency since his victory in November, seems to resemble the extremes of what a Republican victory in 1964 would have looked like.  Except, now, we have a Vice President who would represent a new American Taliban if he were to take over the Presidency.

Barry Goldwater was the ‘Gold Standard’ for being a conservative before that word lost all meaning in the modern Republican Party; once the full poisonous fruit of the ‘Reagan Revolution’ was harvested by our current radical Republican Party – including the devastation caused by both the political Evangelical Christian movement and, of course, the advent of the Tea Party.  I will leave the Tea Party to another day; as they don’t deserve the space.

My Republican friends should be pleased that, now, they have President Trump – who is the complete fulfillment of the hatred, racism, and bigotry that the Republican Party has thrown at President Obama over these last 8 years.  When I surveyed that sea of white faces at Tea Party rallies, and the (mostly) white faces now at the Trump rallies, I encourage my Republican friends to tell me again that their gratuitous abuse of President Obama over the last 8 years hasn’t been all about race.  I love it when they lie to me – lying as if they actually believe it – lying as if they actually cared that they're lying lying about the fact that the Republican Party in the United States hasn't actually become the White Party.  It's cute; in a sick and disgusting way.

Being a Recovering Republican myself; I recognize the situation for what it is.  Of course, I began to leave the Republican Party when President Nixon instituted the racist 'Southern Strategy' and truly left it in 1980 when President Reagan was elected and began his brand of 'Voodoo Economics.'  I returned to the Republican Party, briefly, during the Presidency of Bush (the smarter) and then left it permanently with the election of President Bush (the stupid).

When the mob with the torches came for the monster, as the last of the Republican Party Primaries drew to a close in the fall of 2016, the mob was really coming for the monster’s creator instead; as (what passes for) leadership within the Republican Party these days have already discovered to their discomfort.  They can no longer control their party now that Mr. Trump is President, the Quislings among them who once swore ‘Never Trump’ lined up for cabinet positions, they hide in terror from that scary 'Trump Base', and they already know that the election last November was just a train wreck.  Yet – they just can’t help themselves; like Lemmings jumping off a cliff.

Once the results of the multiple investigations have come in, and the reality of what has happened to our country is revealed for all to see, we may well be welcoming a President Pence, unless he too is implicated, and with President Pence we will indeed have our first American Taliban President.  It you doubt what I say, or you think that I exaggerate, then go look at the public record of Governor Pence in Indiana.

Barry Goldwater saw this coming back in the 1960s.  He rejected the political extremists who hid behind Christianity while pandering to the worse instincts of our nature.  While he supported business; he also protected the environment.  Indeed, he would abhor the “core values’ of the last 6 Republican Party Platforms.  Liberals of the day called him an ‘extremist’ while what passes for the ‘conservatives’ of today would call him a socialist – or worse.  He saw the views of the Christian Right as a violation of both personal privacy and individual liberties – and he was correct in doing so.  He also rejected the use of ‘God’ in our political discourse – just as our Founding Fathers had done before him.  

One of my favorite Goldwater quotes is:  “The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom.  They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent.  If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both.  Frankly, these people frighten me.  Politics and governing demand compromise.  But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise.  I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.  Religious factions will go on imposing their will on others unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy.”   

Anyone who has been conscious and sentient these last 37 years can recognize how correct he was.

Goldwater’s many political sins, if viewed through the prism of the current radical Republican Party, would include his support for homosexual rights, his support for desegregation, and his support for a woman’s right to choose (being in control of her own body) being rooted in the Constitutional protection of privacy.  In fact, Goldwater was so upset about how the radical Christian right has taken over the Republican Party that, in his later years, he began referring to himself as a liberal.  Indeed, 2 of Barry Goldwater’s granddaughters voted for then Senator Obama in 2008; and there is a good chance that Barry Goldwater would have also. 

We need to all make a concerted effort to remove the Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson types from within our political process and reject Christian right-wing fanatics – along with their thirst for combining their version of God and ‘Christianity’ with our government.  We don’t need, and no true Christian should want, a Republican Jesus.  Indeed, in response to Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell’s opposition to the nomination of Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court (of which Falwell had said, “Every good Christian should be concerned”), Goldwater responded: “Every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.”   

Amen Brother, Amen!

The modern, and radical, Republican Party has moved so far to the extreme political right that true conservatives like Barry Goldwater would be considered hard-core liberals today.  It is well past time for the few remaining true conservatives in the Republican Party to awake from this 37-year nightmare and finally realize what the Christian right has done to both their party and to their country.  The Christian right’s movement of hatred, naked racism, and division has virtually destroyed the Republican Party and has certainly damaged the United States as the short term of our new President has clearly demonstrated.  The attempts by the Christian Right to brainwash, control, and dominate the political discourse, and the political process, within our country has to be pulled up by the root and thrown into the dustbin of history – no mercy, no quarter, no exception, and no compromise.



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