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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Gathering Storm

THIS is how authoritarian governments emerge from 'democracies'. First, the authoritarian creates their own propaganda voice (Fox 'News' or, more correctly now, the Trump News Channel), and, now, this authoritarian 'populist' has his own political party (formerly known as the Republican Party). The danger to our Republic grows daily.

Reputations and President Trump

I was wrong about General Kelly. I thought that he would be a moderating influence on this President; but, when the layers of his character have been pulled back since he became Chief of Staff, what you see is an incredibly small and bigoted individual. None of those who chose to join this administration will survive that experience with their reputation and their character intact. Ask the first Press Secretary how that feels; feeling that he was compelled to lie during his first Press Conference.

Forgiving Terrorism?

The short answer to her question is - No. Not only can her sins not be pardoned or forgiven; but the very fact that she still lives is an insult to her victims and every single one of their family members. She is a terrorist. She should be executed for that terrorism. End of story.

Looming Constitutional Crisis

The President is moving toward the firing of the Special Counsel. This action will make the members of the Republican Party, finally, have to decide if they are cowards or patriots. Unfortunately, I believe I know which decision they will make; and I desperately hope that I am wrong.