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Republican Party Security Requirements

The attached article is just one of many decrying the lack of 'civility' at Republican Party events, and Town Halls, and Political Offices, etc.  One suggestion is to have a Republican Party Security Force; which is something that this President also supports.  What a great idea!

As Multnomah County GOP chair James Buchal told the Guardian:  “I am sort of evolving to the point where I think that it is appropriate for Republicans to continue to go out there,” he said.  “And if they need to have a security force protecting them, that’s an appropriate thing too.”

Asked if this meant Republicans making their own security arrangements rather than relying on city or state police, Buchal said:  “Yeah. And there are these people arising, like the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters.”

Asked if he was considering such groups as security providers, Buchal said:  “Yeah. We’re thinking about that.  Because there are now belligerent, unstable people who are convinced that Republicans are like Nazis.”

Even Trump's characterization of the "Fake News" as the "Enemy of the People" has morphed from the original "Lying Press" of the campaign or, ... as Mr. Trump's fans characterized it in the original German, ... 'Lügenpresse'.  With that being the case, I think that we should stick with that German theme; since the Trump Republican Party seems so comfortable with it; especially now that a sitting Republican President is actively threatening the news media.

So, ... the solution (obviously) is confirm these fears and actually have the Republicans ACT like Nazis – Republican Nazis.  OK, then, ... if they're going to do that, ... then let's collect these disconnected militia groups into one political 'protection' arm for the Republican Party – like a Republican Party Political Police (RPPP) auxiliary – and let's give them a common uniform – say, ... a brown uniform – that distinguishes them from the typically blue uniforms of the local police.  While we're at it, let's assign the private security that our President likes to wrap around him (for his own protection – obviously) black uniforms; so that we can distinguish them from the suits worn by the Secret Service.

In fact, ... since we are adding more politically-oriented security for our Republican friends, ... let's make the local police much more 'efficient' by wrapping the local and state police organizations up under one Federal Agency to coordinate their efforts nationwide.  We could call it, ... let's see now, ... oh, ... yes, ... we could call it the Secret State Police.

Then again, ... why don't we just keep the name in the original German - Geheime Staatspolizei?


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